Interim Finance


“There is a space between stimulus and response. In this space, we have the freedom and power to choose our response. Growth and our freedom lie in this response.” (Victor Frankl)

We provide our experience, talents and services for this area of opportunities and developments for your company. From IFRS to ERP. From risk management to cost savings.
We get you on the road to success!


No project is too large. No program is too complex. Certain projects demand a seasoned leader with the right blend of experience and insight.

CFO Services

Interim CFO for temporary assignments or special situations.

Post Merger Integration

Post-Merger Integration, or PMI for short, is the key to sustainable business success and value creation after a merger or acquisition. We are specialists in PMI and excel at restoring harmony to your business.


We are IFRS-certified, offering you the perfect blend of theoretical knowledge, practical expertise, and extensive experience. We develop and implement IFRS standards and projects with precision and excellence.


How is your company performing economically? What investments or changes might be worthwhile? We conduct an evaluation to establish a solid foundation for your path to success.

Risk Management

Effective risk management is a key element that must be integrated into a company's processes and structures. We are here to support you—competently, with experience, and with a clear focus.

The Internal Control System (ICS) plays a central role in a company and is essential for enhanced governance and oversight. We improve the efficiency of your ICS and align it with your risk management framework.

Temporary Assumption of Executive Roles

Do you need a temporary CEO or board member? We are happy to step in and assume these executive roles within your company, helping you navigate challenging times and bridge the gap effectively.

Expert Opinions & Second Opinions

Get a second opinion or an expert report from us! You'll receive fact-based answers to economic questions such as investment calculations, financing, and strategic issues.

Advisory & Design of Excel Financial Models

We are happy to advise you on economic matters such as investments or financing and can develop Excel models for targeted or ongoing support as needed.

Expansion & Transformation

Is your business your passion? It’s ours too. That’s why we’re here to support you throughout the process, assisting with business development, financial planning, structure, and everything else that comes with it.

Workshops & Trainings

Would you like to take control of cost management, controlling, and risk management yourself? How about a workshop or training session with us?

Post Merger Integration

Rent-a-CFO für Interim Management in den Bereichen 
CFO, Finance und Projektmanagement.


  • Vereinheitlichung Kontenplan
  • Vereinheitlichung von Reports und Kennzahlen
  • Vereinheitlichung von Stammdaten, Buchungs- und Bilanzierungs-prozessen
  • Neustrukturierung Cash Management
  • Steuerliche Themen
  • ruppenweite Einführung von Accountingstandards (insbesondere IFRS);
  • Anpassung oder Überführung ERP- Systeme
  • Vereinheitlichung Softwarepakete
  • Konsolidierung der Hardwarelandschaft
  • Lizenzmanagement
  • Umstellung Mailadressen
  • Aktualisierung Webseiten
  • Vereinheitlichung Vergütungssysteme
  • Anpassungbetriebliche Regelungen
  • Beendigung oder Anpassung von Verträgen
  • Vereinheitlichung von Verträgen und Lieferbedingungen
  • Anpassung der Immobilienstruktur
Operatives Geschäft
  • Vereinheitlichung des Markenauftritts (Logo, Branding, Broschüren, etc.)
  • Standortkonsolidierung
  • Überarbeitung des Produktportfolios (Auslauf-/ Anlaufplanung)
  • Zusammenführung Logistik
  • Lieferanten-konsolidierung
  • Vertriebsschulungen


Rent a Pro - für eine aktuell unbesetzte Stelle in der Führungsebene! Schnell einsetzbar, professionell und so lange da, wie Sie ihn brauchen.

Ob durch Krankheit, Elternzeit oder andere Gründe – eine plötzliche Personallücke in Führungspositionen stört die Abläufe in einem Unternehmen. Ein Interim Manager ist die perfekte Lösung! Er kann helfen, die Lücke zu kompensieren und sie dabei kompetent auszufüllen, um Ihr Business am Laufen zu halten. Bei Bedarf bietet sich dadurch auch die Möglichkeit, Umstrukturierungen vorzunehmen oder ein Projekt in Gang zu setzen.   

Weitere Bereiche

Interim CFO

Solving problems, stepping in for executives, and initiating change processes—this is just some of what we do for you as your Interim CFO.

The responsibilities of a temporary CFO are diverse—its value and impact are substantial. Every mandate is unique, each area of responsibility distinct. And we are always fully dedicated and committed! Let's do it!

Project Management

Rent a Manager for successful projects and programs in your company—we are here to support you with your initiatives!

Looking to implement a new system? Relocate your production site? Or simply kick off a new project? We’re here to serve as your interim project manager—ready to deploy quickly, with fresh ideas and tailored solutions for your needs.