Reasons for Rent a Management

Many reasons, one solution: Sudden personnel shortages in the leadership team? Special projects that require expertise? Or help with crisis management? There are many reasons for interim management, and sometimes only one thing is clear: You need support. And that’s exactly what we have for you!

Empower your company!

With External Input! Agile, flexible, and packed with a wealth of experience and both theoretical and practical know-how, we come into your company and make it strong for new challenges, projects, and developments. You benefit from:

Rapid Response Capability

Ready to Deploy in Just a Few Days

Know how Transfer

Fast Knowledge Transfer


Broad Management and Subject Matter Expertise


Unbiased Situation Analysis

Goal- and Results-Oriented Implementation

Only variable costs

Fixed-Term Engagement (no Severance or Benefits)


Interim Management in Action:

Program and Project Management (ERP Implementation, Risk Management, Finance Digitalization, IFRS Introduction, Internal Control System Improvement)


Bridging Vacancies (Exit, Illness, Leave)

Changemanagement & Post Merger Integration

Turnaround & Restructuring

Business Growth and Scaling


Reasons to Use Rent-a-Management

An Interim Expert as a Simple Solution for Complex Requirements.

Upcoming projects, change processes, lack of leadership resources, or the right responses in times of crisis. For these and much more, there’s Rent-a-Management.

5 Good Reasons to Bring in an Experienced Temporary Expert into Your Company:

  1. Lack of Resources/Gaps in Leadership:
    In your company, a crucial leadership position is unexpectedly vacant. For instance, a previous manager has left or is unavailable due to illness or other circumstances. An interim manager quickly and effectively fills this gap, ensuring everything continues to run smoothly.
  2. Change Management:
    Mergers, acquisitions, generational transitions, restructurings, or other changes may require additional resources or specialized skills. An interim manager supports you through these changes, ensuring a successful and smooth implementation.
  3. Strategic and Special Projects:
    Your company is pursuing specific strategic projects that require additional resources or specialized skills. An interim manager assists you in executing these projects quickly, effectively, and most importantly, successfully.
  4. Critical Situations:
    Sometimes companies are suddenly faced with a crisis, a production outage, or a legal dispute. An interim manager acts quickly and effectively in these cases to lead the company out of the crisis and get it back on track.
  5. Knowledge Transfer:
    By hiring an experienced interim manager, a company can benefit from their expertise and experience. The interim manager can pass on valuable knowledge and insights to the company’s employees, enhancing their skills and strengthening the company in the long term.

What are our success criteria?

It’s all about You & Us.We get your business back on track. With our expertise and your support. Here’s how it can succeed:

Wie Interim Management zum Erfolg wird:

  1. Clear Objective -> Let’s get the goal
    The goal of interim management must be clearly defined from the beginning. Only then can the interim manager work in a goal-oriented manner and achieve the desired results.
  2. Expertise -> Know-how helps
    Of course, the interim manager must possess the necessary professional expertise. Only then can they overcome the various challenges.
  3. Communication -> Say it loud and clear
    Transparent and open – this is how communication between the interim manager and the company should be from the very beginning. Only in this way can successful collaboration be achieved. Communication is the key!
  4. Willingness to Change -> Ready for a change
    The interim manager must be able to initiate and implement change processes to move the company forward. So be prepared: things will change for the better.
  5. Time Management -> Time flies
    An interim manager often has limited time to complete their tasks. Therefore, it is important that they work effectively and goal-oriented, setting priorities.
  6. Collaboration -> Let’s come together
    Close collaboration with the existing team in the company is indispensable. Together, the full potential of interim management can be best utilized.
  7. Result Orientation -> The result counts
    Good, sustainable results are the primary goal of an interim manager. At the end of a project, these should always be presented in concrete form and reflect the success of the project.

What is Interim Management?

Quickly available, ready to go, flexible, more than sufficiently qualified, and ideally certified, empathetic, assertive, trustworthy, and communicative – an interim manager must possess many qualities and strengths. After all, you are bringing them into your company, even if only for a certain period.

For a period of 3 to 18 months, an interim manager becomes part of, and often the head of, your team. They will temporarily take on specific challenges as an experienced leader with expert status, solve specific problems, initiate new developments, and open up interesting opportunities.

An interim manager can be deployed in various situations, such as bridging leadership gaps, implementing change processes, entering new markets, or managing crises. The interim manager works closely with the existing team.

The advantage? An interim manager can quickly respond to unexpected challenges or opportunities. They do not need to go through a lengthy hiring process or countless training sessions. Because they are knowledgeable, experienced, and often bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to your company, which can contribute to development and growth.